Application for Re-Accreditation


1. This form is an Application form for Re-Accreditation only

2. Closing date is 10th September 2021.

3. Applications submitted post 10th September 2021 will not be accepted. 

4. Please note that there is no function available with the on-line forms to ‘save and return.

5. Members wishing to take part in this process are asked to pay the appropriate fee by BACS, once they complete their application forms and include the reference below with the payment. 

The fees are as follows:

Accreditation – £230

Re-Accreditation – £125

Law Society of Northern Ireland BACS details are available by signing into the members' section BY CLICKING HERE 

This form is for solicitors who are currently accredited to the Panel. You should type on the form and not exceed the space provided, unless otherwise specified. If you have any query please contact Mr. Andrew Kirkpatrick at the Society for assistance.

9. Experience

Please set out your experience of proceedings under the Children (Northern Ireland) Order 1995 or equivalent during the last two years. To preserve client confidentiality use initial letters of names only

Demonstrate your role in relation to five of the most complex cases.

If you do not have relevant experience in the last two years, please provide reasons on a separate continuation page and give details of relevant experience in the last five years. The narrative should not exceed 500 words.

Section 9. Continued

Section 9. Continued

Section 9. Continued

Section 9. Continued

Please give the name and address of a Judge whom the Board may approach for a reference in relation to your work experience in 9 above.

11. Training

Please give details of your training and any other relevant matters including details of courses attended or conducted on law, practice and skills such as advocacy relevant to Children Order practice within the last two years. If you do not have relevant training in the last two years, please provide reasons and give details of relevant training in the last five years. Continue on additional sheets if necessary. Narrative not to exceed 250 words.

Section 11. Continued

12. Private Study

Please give details of your recent private study relevant to Children Order practice.

The Board reserves the right to request further written submissions.

The Board reserves the right to request further written submissions.

The Board reserves the right to request further written submissions.

Are there any other matters reflecting your competence or fitness of which the Board ought to be aware? In this respect please note that a check will be made by the Board against all Law Society records and such other records as the Board sees fit.

Are you registered with the Criminal Justice Secure Mail (CJSM) system?

15. Declaration

I confirm that there is no reason why I should not work with vulnerable adults or children.

I certify that all information given in this form is correct.

I understand and consent that the Board may seek references and verification from third parties such as the Northern Ireland Court Service, Judges and the Northern Ireland Guardian ad Litem Agency of any matters relevant to a proper consideration of my application and I authorise them to do so. I understand that references are supplied as personal and confidential and will not be released to me save with the consent of referees.

I confirm I hold a current Practising Certificate at the date of this application or

I do not have a current Practising Certificate for the following reason:

I have paid the application fee of £125 to the Law Society of Northern Ireland.

Any application received after the closing date specified by the Society will not be considered.

Society contact:

Mr Andrew Kirkpatrick
The Children Order Accreditation Board
The Law Society of Northern Ireland
Law Society House
96 Victoria Street